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《青年文摘(绿版)》 2008年 第10期

       You Are the One全在于你
       Author Unknown 佚名
       You are the one who has to decide
       Whether you’il dO it or toss it aside,
       You are the one who makes up your mind
       Whether you’ll lead or linger behind.
       Whether you’ll try for the goal that’s afar
       Or be contented to stay where you are
       Take it or leave.Here’s something to do,
       Just think it over.It’s all up to you!
       What do you wish?To be known as a shirk
       Or known as someone who’s willing to work,
       Scorned for a loafer or praised by your chief
       Rich Or poor,beggar or thief?
       Eager or earnest or dull through the day,
       Honest or crooked?It’s you who must say!
       You must decide ln the face of the test
       Whether you’II shirk it or give your best.
       Start Small从小处着手by Ralph Marston 拉尔夫·马斯顿
       Go ahead and start small,and if you"re unable to start
       small,then start.The point is,do whatever you can
       with whatever you have,and that will be plenty to get
       you moving in a positive,productive direction.
       There is always something you can do.There is
       always some small steps forward that you can make right
       now.Your ability to accomplish does not get used up.In
       fact,the more you use it,the more powerful it grows.
       Create a little bit of success,and experience how
       great it feels.From that positive,empowered place,there’s
       no limit to where you can go.
       Special Beijing Questions and Answers 关于北京的问与答
       1.A:Does Beijing have a special nickname?
       B:No,but most people say Beijing is the heart of China.
       2.A:Please tell me something about Beijing.
       B:Beijing is China’S vibrant capital city.It is a com—
        bination of ancient and modern China.
       3.A:Is Beijing a popular tourist destination?
       B:Sure,Beijing attracts millions of tourists every year.
       4.A:What’S the best attraction in Beijing?
       B1:No doubt one of the world’S greatest tourist attractions
        is the GreatWall.
       B2:The Forbidden City and Tian’an men Square are also
        very impressive.
       5.A:Why is Beijing such a special city?
       B1:Beijingisadtywimalonghistory and a melting pot
        of Chinese ethnic cultures.
       B2:There is a unique feeling about shopping in Beijing
        that cannot be found anywhere else.
       6.A:What is Beijing’S most famous food?
       B1:Beijing Duck is the most delicious food Beijing has
        to Offer.
       B2:Jiaozi is a favorite of many western visitors.
       7.A:How do you like living in Beijing?
       B1:I think it’S a nice place.People here are very friendly
        and intelligent.
       B2:I love it.I would never want to live anyplace else.
       8.A:Where is the Silk Street?
       B:It’s over there.I’d be glad to show you the way.
       9.A:How far is Beijing developing?
       B1:There are changes in Beijing every day.
       B2:I"m a Beijing native.I sometimes get lost because
        Beijing is changing so fast.
       10.A:What do you think about the 2008 Olympics?
       B1:We are proud that Beijing has hosted the best Olympic
        Games ever!
       B2:I think it’S a great chance for China to show itself
        to the world.
       Teacher Li’s Special Contribution李阳老师特别奉献
       15 Tips to Restart the Exercise Habit
       Once you have an exercise habit,it becomes automatic.
        You just go to the gym,there is no force involved.But after
        a month,two months or possibly a year off,it can be hard
        to get started again.Here are some tips to climb back on
        that treadmill after you’ve fallen off.
       1.Don’t Break the Habit—The easiest way to keep things
       going is simply not to stop.If you have an exercise habit
       going,don’t drop it at the first sign of trouble.
       2.Reward Showing Up—Woody Allen once said that,
        “alf of life is showing up”I"d argue that 90%of mak—
       ing a habit is just making the effort to get there.
       3.Commit for Thirty Days—Make a commitment to go
       every day for one month.This will solidify the exercise
       4.Make it Fun—If you don"t enjoy yourself at the gym,it
        is going to be hard to keep it a habit.There are thousands
        of ways you can move your body and exercise.Many
        large fitness centers will offer a range of programs that
        can suit your tastes.
       5.Schedule During Quiet Hours—Don’t put exercise
        time in a place where it will easily be pushed aside by
        something more important.Right after work or first
        thing in the morning are often good places to put it.
       6.Get a Buddy—Grab a friend to join you.Having a social
        aspect to exercising can boost your commitment to the
        exercise habit.
       7.X Your Calendar—The benefit of this is it quickly shows
        how long it has been since you’ve gone to the gym Keep-
        ing a steady amount of X’s on your calendar is an easy
        way to motivate yourself.
       8.Enjoyment Before Effort—After you finish any work-
        out,ask yourself what parts you enjoyed and what parts
        you did not.By focusing on how you can make workouts
        more enjoyable,you can make sure you want to keep
        going to the gym.
       1.Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishments.
       2.Nothing of importance is ever achieved without discipline.
       3.He who lives without discipline dies without honor
       4.If we don’t discipline ourselves,the world will de it For US.
       5.No steam or gas drives anything until it is confined.No life
        ever grows great until it is focused,dedicated,disciplined.
       6.Self-discipline is the ability to make yourself do what you
        should do when you should do it,whether you feel like it
        Or not.
       7.Lack of discipline leads to frustration and self-loathing.
       8.If I Want to be great I have to win the victory over myself,
       9.Self-respect is the fruit of discipline;the sense of dignity
        grows with the ability to say no to oneself.
       10.It was character that got US out of bed.commitment that
        moved US into action,and discipline that enabled US to
        follow through.
       —Jim Rohn吉姆·朗
       —Bertrand Russell伯特兰·罗素
       —Icelandic Proverb冰岛谚语
       —William Feather威廉·费瑟
       —Harry Emerson Fosdick哈利·爱默生·福斯迪克
       —Brian Tracy博恩·崔西
       —Marie Chapian玛丽·夏萍
       —Harry S.Truman哈利·S·杜鲁门
       —AbrahamJ Heschel亚伯拉罕·J·赫舍尔
       —Zig Ziglar 齐格·金克拉
       1.What a magnificent place/sight!
       2.These are really incredible spots.
       3.I don’t want to miss the pleasant view.
       4.It is really an ideal place for sightseeing.
       5.I have never seen such a gorgeous mountain before!
       6.The view is SO beyond description.
       1.Excuse me,would you please take a picture for us?
       2.Don’t move and say cheese.
       3.Let’S pose for a group photo.
       我们来一张合影吧!【group photo:合影】
       4.You come out well in the picture.
       A Generational Challenge to Repower America 重整能源结构,迎接时代挑战Al Gore 阿尔·戈尔
       But to make this exciting potential a reality,and truly
        solve our nation’S problems,we need a new start.
       That’s why I"m proposing today a strategic initiative
        designed to free us from the crises that are holding US
        down and to regain control of our own destiny.It’S not the
        only thing we need to do.But this strategic challenge is
        the lynchpin of a bold new strategy needed to repower
       Today I challenge our nation to commit to producing
        100 percent of our electricity from renewable energy
        and truly clean carbon-free sources within 10 years.
       So I ask you to join with me to call on every candidate,
        at every level,to accept this challenge—for America
        to be running on 100 percent zero-carbon electricity in 10
       years.It’S time for US to move beyond empty rhetoric.We
       need to act now.
       This is a generational moment.A moment when we
        decide our OWn path and our collective fate.I"m ask-
        ing you—each of you—to join me and build this future.
       We must now lift our nation to reach another goal
        depends upon US now embarking on a New journey of
        exploration and discovery.Our success depends on our
        willingness as a people to undertake this journey and to
        complete it within 10 years.Once again,we have an
        opportunity to take a giant leap for humankind.
       1.turn potential into reality变可能为现实
       ☆The best way to turn potential into reality is through
        relentless hard work!
       2.1ynhpin n.关键
       ☆The lynchpin of a city’S Olympic success is definitely
        a group of well—trained and pleasant volunteers.
       3.empty rhetoric花言巧语
       ☆Too many SO-called success books are full of empty
        rhetoric and lack real-life stories and practical advice.
       Live on the Happy Side活在快乐这一边Norman Vincent Peale诺尔曼·文森特·皮尔
       Once I found myself in a group where one individual
        was the central figure.He had a captivating personality,
        and was obviously beloved by everybody.
       Sater we were sitting apart from the others,talking.
        Always being interested in what makes humans act as
        they do,I commented upon his rare spirit·
       “Have a good time wherever I go”,he said.
       “Tis a gift for which you ought to be very thankful.”
       His reply was“It isn’t a gift,being happy.It takes
        hard work.For many years I was a sour,difficult indivi-
       dual.I saw the dark side of everything untila friend gave
        me a scolding.After thinking it over,and doing a lot of
        praying,I determined to cultivate the happy side of life.”
       G’ve always been thankful for that conversation,be-
       cause it taught me that to live with happiness we must
        cultivate the happy side of life.
       have known a good many people who seemingly
        have had everything to make them happy.But they were
        unhappy.And I have known people who have had very
        little of this world’S good and yet are happy.The difference
        is that one person cultivated the happy attitude and another,
        the gloomy.It is not so much what happens to us but how
        we react to it that makes the difference.
       There is no such thing as a Pollyanna situation.Always,
        I suppose,if you have a few perfect days,you can count
        on some kind of trouble.But whether or not you live with
        a happy attitude depends on your own cast of mind and
        the power of your faith.What you think determines what
        you are.
       Eultivate the happy side of life.Don"t go around with
        a gloomy,melancholy attitude.Don"t take a negative atti-
       tude toward life.Don"t think depressing thoughts.Rejoice.
        Now when you really do it,you will find that the percen-
       rage of good days will greatly increase.The late Dr.William
        Stidger once told about a young friend of his who was
        awakened by his wife early one morning.They had planned
        a picnic,but about five O’dock it started raining.“It"s rain-
       ing hard,George,”his wife finally said,“you’d better go
        downstairs and pull in the porch furniture.”
       He went down and got himself half soaked When he
       turned around to go back in he saw his little five-year-old
        boy, clad in pajamas,sitting on the door step smelling the
        rain.The little boy said,“Daddy;that rain smells good.I
        like the smell of rain.”The little fellow paused a moment,
        then added:“Daddy,isn’t this a gorgeous bad day?”
       Ten Tips to Become More Productive and Happy at Work
       1.Planning.This will allow you to be productive all the
        time.Start your day an extra 15 minutes early to do this
        planning every day.It doesn’t have to be extremely
        detailed.Just include the major items.
       2.Drop Unimportant Tasks.Delete the non-essential items
        from your to-do list.The best way to do this is to always
        do your most important things first.Somehow,mira-
       culously,extraneous things will fall away.
       3.Make the Most of Your Commute.Make it positive time.
        Use it for reading, creative thinking,listen to audio
        books,etc.If you enjoy your commute,happiness will
        spill over into how you feel at work.
       4.Choose Happiness,Humor,Enthusiasm,Gratitude,
        Kindness,and a Positive Outlook.Choose to enjoy
        your time at work.Find others who are like this and
        spread good cheer.Try to avoid gossip and negative chat.
       5.Cultivate Compassion for Negative Coworkers.When
        you encounter a negative coworker,choose to stay
        positive and try to be a positive influence around him/her.
       1.all in a day’s word(看似复杂困难的东西对某人来说是)轻而易举的事情;小菜一碟
       A fancy dinner with a Hollywood celebrity is all in a
        day’s work for this reporter.
       2.all work and no play(makes Jack a dull boy)只学不玩;只工作不玩耍
       You need to get out more in the evenings.You know
        what they say about all work and no play.
       3.work up a head of steam(获得足够的精力、支持热情等)让做事更有效
       I"m finally able to work up a head of steam about my
        new project after the long vacation.
       4.work hand in glove (with)密切合作;互相勾结
       Researchers believe that mental well-being and phyrsical
        strength work hand in glove.
       5.have sb."s work cut out (for sb.)面临艰巨的任务
       We’re training a completely new,team,so we have our
        work cut out for us.
       6.work like a charm十分奏效地
       The software is easy to install and works like a charm
        in my computer.