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《青年文摘(绿版)》 2008年 第01期

       Teacher Li"s Special Contribution 李阳老师特别奉献
       As one of the official language coaches for the upcoming Olympics,I feel an urgent sense of responsibility.I chose the following article asmy contribution this month because it is terrific for redting and it isfull of high-level English.I hope everyone will make passion for Eng-lish learning their main New Year"s resolution! It is time to show theword what we can do!
        All eyes are on China as the Olympic dock ticks off the days,minutes and seconds until the rapidly approaching2008 Beijing Games.
        The century-old dream of the Chinese nation to host theworld"s premier sporting event is providing a stage for thecountry to show the global community what it can do.Andas preparations head into their final stages,nothing is beingleft to chance.From weather to food,security to thinkinggreen,it"s all systems go and confidence is at a permium.The Games are also providing China with an added,incentiveto deal with negative issues,such as air pollution and in-tellectual property rights.For now however,one world waitsfor China"s dream to come true.
       1.All eyes are on...目光集中在……
       ☆All eyes were on Liu Xiang as he entered thepress CONference.
       2.tick off(count up or down)用记号勾出;列举
       ☆MybOSStickedoffalist of things for me to do this afternoom.
       3.world"s permier世界顶级的
       ☆Ritz Carlton is one of the Word’s premierhotel chains.
       4.provide a stage for...为……提供平台
       ☆The leadershiP camp is proylding a stage foroutstanding young People to come together.
       5.global community环球社区;国际社会
       ☆The entire global community must work toprotect the environment for future generations.
       6.head into final stages进入最后阶段
       ☆I have to work overtime because the companymetger is heading into its final stages.
       7.be left to chance 疏忽
       ☆Nothing can be left to chance when it comes to the health of my family
       8.think green具有环保意识
       ☆More and more Chinese people are thinking green.
       9.all systems go 一切准备就绪;万事俱备
       ☆It"s all systems go for the grand opening this evening.
       10.be at a permium 难得;珍贵
       ☆Spaceis at a premium in the city center rightnow.
       11.added incentive额外的动机
       ☆The chance for a better job is an added in-centive for many people to learn English well.
       12.deal with应对;处理
       ☆I don"t know how anyone can deal with this
       traffic every single day.
       1.Imagination rules the world.
       2.We are what we imagine ourselves to be.
       3.The man who has no imagination has no wings.
       4.Anybody can do anything that he imagines.
       5.Let your imagination release your imprisoned possibilities.
       6.Our imagination is the only limit to what we can hope tohave in the future.
       7.Live out of your imagination,not your history.
       8.Imagination is more important than knowledge,Knowledgeis limited.Imagination encircles the world.
       9.Imagination is the beginning of creation.You imagine what you desire; you will what you imagine; and at last youcreate what you will.
       10.Imagination is not a talent of some men but is the health
       of every man.
       —Kurt Vonnegut Jr.库尔特·冯内古特
       —Muhammad Ali穆罕默德·阿里
       —Henry Ford亨利·福特
       —Robert H.Schuller罗伯特·H·舒勒
       —Charles F.Ketteling查尔斯·F·科特林
       —Stephen Covey史蒂芬·科维
       —Albert Einstein阿里波特·爱因斯坦
       —George Bernard Shaw肖伯纳
       —Ralph Waldo Emerson拉尔夫·瓦尔多·爱默生
       "Happy New Year!" -- the greeting will be said and heardas a new year gets under way.It is at this time of the year thatfamilies and friends get together to say goodbye to the old andwelcome the new.It was the oldest of all holidays.Traditionallyit was thought that one could affect the luck they would havethroughout the coming year by what they did or ate on the firstday of the year.For that reason,it has become common for folksto celebrate the first few minutes of a brand new year in thecompany of family and friends.It is a popular belief that any-thing in the shape of a ring is good luck,because it symbolizes"coming full drde," completing a year"s cycle.
       1.it用于强调结构:It is+被强调部分+that/who+句子其他部分
       2.it做主语,指代第一句中提到的“new year”;
       4.计作形式主语,不定式to celebrate...是真正的主语;
       5.让作形式主语,从句that anything...是真正的主语;
       6.it做主语,指代前面提到的“anything in the shape of aring”。
       1)Best wishes for the year t0 come!
       2)Best wishes fOr the holidays and happinessthroughout the New Year!
       1)I wish you all the very best in whatever you do.
       2)I wish you all the very best with your upcoming
       business.视你接下来的事业蒸蒸日上。1)I hope everything goes well with your new career.
       2)I hope everything goes well in your futureacademicpursuits.希望你未来学业有成。
       1)Good luck with your new position.
       祝你在新的工作岗位上好运。 2)Good luck and great success in the coming NewYear.
       ☆I"d like to wish you every success in the comingyear!
       ☆Season"s greetings and sincere wishes for amost happy and prosperous New Year.
       1)My boss has been aIl Smiles lately but I keepwondering why!
       2)I was all smiles when I grabbed the chance totake part in the speech contest.
       1)They said I"d never make it to couege,but I gotthe last laugh.
       大家都说我考不上大学,但我最终成功了。 2)The company fired her last year but she had thelas“augh because she was hired bv their mainrival at twice the sala.
       1)He won lottery and laughed all the way to thebank.
       2)After we s01d the house,my wife and laughedall the way to the bank.
       3)Team owners complain about the latest TV deal,but in fact they are laughing all the way to mebank.
       1)He barely cracked a smile at his friend"s joke.
       2)It took me a long time,but I finally got her toerack a sane.
       Acting on Your Dream 心动不如行动
       What a terrific story about making your dream happen.The be-ginning of a new year is the perfect"time to start acting on yourdreams! Use this story to get motivated!
       I have not often admitted this,but I was inspired tobecome a public speaker by perhaps the worst motivationalspeaker I"ve ever heard in my life.
       This fellow is still working,surprisingly,so I won"tgive his name.He was the opening speaker in a seminarI attended early in my speaking career and he nearlyclosed the show early with his monotone,unenthusiasticpresentation.As he spoke,the room grew as quiet as agraveyard between funerals.
       I went to sleep to be awakened by what could onlybe called.courtesy applause for his presentation.You couldmake more noise clapping with one hand.After the less-than-stirring speech,I leaned over to the guy sitting nextto me and said,"That was really boring." And he said,"You should be so boring for the kind of money he makes."The fellow told me this terrible speaker was making $5,000for each terrible speech.
       After hearing how much money a really bad speakercould make,I decided it was time for me to go after thisdream.A few days later,I caught a Greyhound bus fromMiami to Orlando where I"d signed up for a seminar forbeginners held by the National Speakers Association.It
       seemed like the bus ride took weeks.I know it took everylast dollar I could scrape together.And so I was mad-wearybut eager to hear some inspiring,motivational,and dy-namic speaking when I finally took a seat at the event.Butwho should walk out to lead the first session but that sameterrible.$5,000-per-speech speaker? I could not believe it!
       All that time on a stinking bus stopping in everyone-horse town between Miami and Orlando,to hear thisguy again? I nearly got up and walked out.By the timehe"d gotten halfway through his speech,nearly half theaudience had fled.But I stayed on until the bitter end andthe speaker"s parting shot,as it turned out,was worth theprice of admission.He obviously had noted the exodusof the audience and the drooping eyelids of those whoremained because,as he built up to his anticlimax,he
       stopped suddenly,looked out at the remaining numbersof aspiring public speakers and said,"You know,the onlyreason that Iam standing up here and you are sitting downthere is that I represent the thoughts that you have reiectedfor yourself."
        don"t know about the other dozen or so people inthe audience,but Mr.Monotone hit me right between theeyes with that shot.It was true.He had acted upon some-thing that I had only dreamt of doing.I"d spent yearsdreaming of becoming a public speaker.But dreamingwas all I had done.This guy may not have had any talentfor it.He may have been the most undynamic publicspeaker in history.But he was up there while I was stilldreaming.And so that is how I became motivated to starta new career by perhaps the worst motivational speakerI have ever heard.
       United,Will Succeed团结一致,我们就能成功
       Over the past four years I"ve met and talked with NewYorkers who practice every religion,speak every language
       and come from everywhere on Earth.It"s been the experienceof a lifetime not only because of the generous warmth andadvice that many of you have given me,but also becauseyou"ve shared with me your deepest hopes and your deepestdreams.It"s the enormous power of those dreams,over eightmillion of them,that gives our city its unique optimism,whatone author described as that sense so peculiar to New Yorkthat something extraordinary could happen any minute,anyday,any month.Possibility,opportunity: This is the essenceof New York.This is the air we breathe,this is the promiseof tomorrow.
       And now we have a choice to make.We could be contentwith what we have accomplished and preserve our gains.Or we can take our beloved city even further forward andmake the promise of opportunity real for every person inevery community.No one need ask which one we will choose.We are New Yorkers.We never stop reaching,striving andworking.We know there is more we can do and more wemust do.We know there can be no turning back,and therewill be no holding back.United,we will take on new chal-lenges with a passion and dedication that New York demandsof us.United,we will succeed.
        Thank you and may God bless New York City.